Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Dvorsky Pleads Guilty

Well, the Press-Citizen appears to be only a couple days late in sharing the news, but Democrat Senator Bob Dvorsky finally pled guilty to his Drunk Driving conviction on July 20. He received a deferred judgment -- as long as he doesn't have another run-in with the law in the next year, the charge will be cleared from his record.

According to the Court Records (search for Dvorsky in Polk County here), it looks like he was gearing up for a fight, filing a motion to supress the evidence just earlier this month.

What a bunch of bull. A deferred judgement for being well over the legal limit.

Anyone arrested for OWI in Johnson County should now point out Dvorsky's case to the judge when getting sentenced. If a Iowa State Senator can get a deferred judgement..then John Doe down the street should too.

I want to see Dvorsky make a SIZABLE donation to MADD or Stepping Up or some other organization. Prove to us Bob that you're really sorry.
It is a good thing Dvorsky had some of the same legal team used to get Eric Branstad, son of Republican Gov. Terry Branstad, off. Didn't he get busted twice?
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