Saturday, April 22, 2006


2nd Disrict Convention: State Central Committee elections

Note the corrected totals in the first round of voting. A commenter brought the problem to my attention and after consultation with Cyndi, it turns out my numbers were revesed. Lisa Smith received 121 votes and Mark Lucas received 100. Thanks, anonymous!- Chris

11:33 - Nominations were taken for state central committee elections. Six names were put forward three spots: Incumbents Lisa Smith, Bill Vernon, and Mark Lucas (who was on maneuvers with his National Guard unit and thus not present) and Royce Phillips, Kathy Potts and Joni Scotter. The first ballots were taken and we broke at 12:06 for lunch.

About 1:10 - The convention reconvened and the results of the first ballot was revealed. Lisa Smith (121 votes) and Mark Lucas (100 votes) were elected. Since none of the other candidates reached a majority (90 votes), a second ballot was taken. After the second ballot, there was still no majority. Kathy Potts was eliminated and Joni Scotter removed herself from consideration. The third ballot had Royce Phillips and Bill Vernon in a very close vote. Vernon came through with a slim majority (93) to score the trifecta for the 2nd District's incumbent state central committee delegation.

PHOTO ABOVE RIGHT: Convention officers hard at work administering the election, including three Johnson County delegates (seated R to L): parliamentarian Sam Langholz and secretaries Amelia Versteegh, and Cyndi Michels.

No, big deal but you have the vote totals for Mark Lucas and Lisa Smith reversed.
Not according to my memory or my notes. I'll check around.
The person who receives the most votes is the District Chair and that was Lisa. Other than that it doesn't make any difference.
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